F1Weekly Podcast # 1039

Play Podcast: 04-15-24f1weekly1039.mp3 Nasir and the host are both thrilled for Fernando Alonso and Aston Martin. We are also anticipating Toto’s big LCH replacement decision. This week’s Motorsports Mondial spins the globe with racing news from Austin Texas to Montenegro. We top it all off with our Bonus interview from the F1Weekly archives Howden Ganley […]

F1Weekly Podcast # 1038

Play Podcast: 04-08-24f1weekly1038.mp3 Nasir and the Host agree the predictable Japanese Grand Prix is always a great event. We also marked the tenth anniversary of loosing Jules Bianchi in a terrible accident in 2014. This week’s Motorsports Mondial brings F1Weekly’s conversation with Nasir and a very young Jules back in 2008 at the Mugello circuit […]

F1Weekly Podcast # 1037

Play Podcast: 04-01-24f1weekly1037.mp3 Nasir Hameed has returned from his long journey to the land down under attending the Australian Grand Prix meeting up with F1Weekly Familia Jason Bentley “The Original JB” Bringing the listeners a tour of the Panorama Race circuit. Mt Panorama Race Circuit Bathurst’s Mount Panorama circuit has become an indelible part of […]

F1Weekly Podcast # 1036

Play Podcast: 03-18-24f1weekly1036.mp3 Nasir Hameed continues his travels around the world discovering old and current race tracks sharing his adventures with F1Weekly Familia members. As he crisscrosses the globe this week’s Motorsports Mondial feature a tour of Spa Francorchamps with long time F1W listener Louis Jansen giving us Chicane to chicane commentary! Spa Francorchamps The […]

F1Weekly Podcast # 1035

Play Podcast: 03-12-24f1weekly1035.mp3 Nasir Hameed continues his travels across Europe and the United Kingdom meeting with F1Weekly Familia along the the way. He stops for a moment in Milton Keynes for some curry and, he brings us this week’s Motorsports Mondial with part 2 of our interview of Paul Velasco Owner and founder of grandprix247.com […]

F1Weekly Podcast # 1034

Play Podcast: 03-04-24f1weekly1034.mp3 Nasir Hameed, out in the field filing his goody bag In downtown Berlin, brings us a fully loaded Schnitzel in Motorsports Mondial an interview with founder and owner of grandprix247.com Paul Velasco. Paul Velasco is founder of the popular Formula 1 website www.grandprix247.com He was born and raised in Johannesburg and, as […]

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