F1Weekly Podcast # 1051

Play Podcast: 07-09-24f1weekly1051.mp3 Nasir returns from his visit with the good Dr. Marko receiving a clean bill of health! Motorsports Mondial brings another over stuffed strudel an interview with Anders Hultqvist Sweden’s 1992-93 Camaro Champion. Let’s hear from the Haas crew! Nico “I’m very happy for the team, eight more points on the board – […]

F1Weekly Podcast # 1050

Play Podcast: 06-30-24f1weekly1050.mp3 Max looses his cool with bad moves crashing into Lando! Toto says “You can win George” and Haas cash in on the chaos. Nasir prepares for his physical with Dr. Marko. Motorsports Mondial brings you Jill from Penn State with her report on the Rainmen “Great drives in the wet”. Our weekly […]

F1Weekly Podcast # 1049

Play Podcast: 06-24-24f1weekly1049.mp3 Nasir and the Host admit Max’s dominant rein looks to be over and the hopes of Ferrari begin to fade as Mercedes claw back to their winning ways. Motorsports Mondial includes new episode of Loosh on the Loose! This week’s interview, German F1 Journalist Michael Schmidt sharing his secrets of the trade. […]

F1Weekly Podcast # 1048

Play Podcast: 06-17-24f1weekly1048.mp3 Nasir books an appointment with the good Dr Marko. Motorsports Mondial is so full it’s taking Ozempic! We start our first conversation with Dan Wardman, F1W listener and former president of the CSRG. We have a quick chat with Otmar Szafnauer! Moving to Tokyo, Motorsports Journalist, Zenta Ohtaki. Our Bonus: The Rafa […]

F1Weekly Podcast # 1047

Play Podcast: 06-10-24f1weekly1047.mp3 Nasir and the Host both feel that this was George’s race to win yet, Max does it again with a car that probably should not have won the race. Motorsports Mondial fully loaded as usual with a short Interview with 1988 CART Champion and 1985 Indy 500 winner Danny Sullivan. Let’s here […]

F1Weekly Podcast # 1046

Play Podcast: 06-03-24f1weekly1046.mp3 With Red Bull preparing for another possible disaster for Max and Checo! F1W has another outstanding Motorsports Mondial with thoughts on the Detroit destruction derby, our own Nasir Hameed working over time brings another outstanding Interview! This week: Peter Revson’s younger sister Jennifer Revson. Peter Revson. An American Champion. F1Weekly is pleased […]

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