F1Weekly Podcast # 1085

Play Podcast: 03-10-25f1weekly1085.mp3 As the beginning of the Formula 1 ® season gets closer let’s listen to more classic Nasir Hameed. This week we bring you more early Motorsports Mondial an interview with former FIA steward Johnny Herbert! Nasir and I are attending the Petit Le Mans series race at Laguna Seca in 2006 and […]

F1Weekly Podcast # 1084

Play Podcast: 03-03-25f1weekly1084.mp3 Nasir loved Monza and he loved talking about Monza! He talks about his recent visit to Parco Monza. Motorsports Mondial features Nasir and I attending the Monterey Historic’s at Laguna Seca where we run into Juan Manuel Fangio II, giving us another early classic Interview. Take a listen. Juan Manuel Fangio II […]

F1Weekly Podcast # 1083

Play Podcast: 02-24-25f1weekly1083.mp3 Nasir’s interviewing skills began to bubble to the top, at the beginning he always let the Host begin the interview but I soon realized he was the master and I should stick with hosting. On this episode Nasir and I are attending the San Jose Grand Prix in 2006 we interview A.J. […]

F1Weekly Podcast # 1082

Play Podcast: 02-16-25f1weekly1082.mp3 More tributes to Nasir Hameed, this week It’s the introduction of “A Moment in Motorsports History” with team MATRA and the Legendary Jimmy Clark. Nasir slowly becoming the “Bob Ross” of Motorsports Podcasting! Enjoy. Nasir talks Jimmy Clark’s facts and figures.

F1Weekly Podcast # 1081

Play Podcast: 02-09-25f1weekly1081.mp3 We continue our tribute to Nasir Hameed with our focus on his first season with the podcast beginning in 2006. All of a sudden we had a Moment in Motorsports History, and book reviews! Motorsports Mondial, Musical Mondial…Listen for the rest… of the story. Nasir Hameed reviews Jackie Stewart’s book “Faster” He […]

F1Weekly Podcast # 1080

Play Podcast: 02-01-25f1weekly1080.mp3 Motorsports Memories celebrates Nasir Hameed! We shall look back at the early years of F1Weekly with Nasir and his Classic Historical Mondial from the 2006 season and his interview of Martin Hines. This was the start of a beautiful podcast between two F1 fans. Thanks for all the letters and love. We […]